Saturday, January 30, 2010

#96 Do The Right Thing (1989)

This movie is essentially a social commentary on racism in America. A few of they key points that it highlights are that racism is not a one way street; America is filled with many different races and ethnicities and to say that only one group is prejudice towards another would be to oversimplify the issue. Almost every person in America is both subject to prejudice and at the same time responsible for dealing it out to others. The title Do the Right Thing highlights the importance of making the best decision in the face of hate. You can combat prejudice with love or with violence, however, while violence may give you the satisfaction of temporary results, it does not result in any long-term change. The "Love Doctor," a radio personality played by Samuel L. Jackson, who witnesses the downfall of the community leaves the audience with a suggestion at the end of the movie for righting the wrongs in the powers that be. He tells his audience to remember to register to vote, the power of which has never been more evident than it is today.

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