Monday, January 18, 2010

#100 Ben-Hur (1959)

And so it begins. One down and 99 to do. ...3 1/2 hours later. Therefore this will be a short response to the movie, considering it is much later than we anticipated staying up.

At the end of the film, Ben-Hur boasted about bringing home 11 Academy Awards, ranging from Best Actors, to Soundtrack, to Special Effects. Needless to say, we were most impressed with the overall quality of the film considering the year. In addition, despite its length, it was still an enjoyable movie.

The story line occurs during Jesus' lifetime, yet we follow another character who merely bumps into Jesus at key points in both of their lives. It was an interesting look at that time in history, and provided a different view point than we are accustomed to seeing in films.

We can definitely see why this movie was on the top 100 list. With this being said, we expect the next 99 to be even better :)

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